Tuesday, September 10, 2013


I am so excited to be back in the swing of things.  It is so exciting to hear all of the beginners making sounds that will soon turn into music.  I am enjoying reviewing the things we learned last year with my 2nd Year band students.  This week your child should bring home a Practice Log. This log should be filled out and turned in each week.   Their is a link to the Practice Log on one of the Pages on the Right Hand side of my Webpage in case your child forgets to pick one up at band or loses theirs during the week.  Each week they receive points that I use to determine their grade and which prize box they will get something from each 9 weeks.  They receive points for the following:

Lesson Attended: 1 point
Book Brought to Lesson: 1 point
Instrument Brought to Lesson: 1 point
Practice log completed, signed by parent and turned in:
     45 minute total for the week (3 fifteen minute practice sessions): 1 point
     1:15 minute total for the week (5 fifteen minute practice sessions): 2 points
      (These point totals will change after the Winter Break.)

At the end of the 9 weeks I will total up each students points.  The point totals for the prize boxes will vary each 9 weeks, depending on how many lessons we have.  The following is an example of how the points will equate into prizes.

Large Prize Box:  The student has the top number of points possible for the 9 weeks. (S+ on Progress Report)

Medium Prize Box:  The student has a point total between the maximum and minimum totals for the other two prize boxes.  (S+ or S, depending on point total.)

Small Prize Box:  The student has points that total the number of lessons in a 9 weeks with both instrument and book brought to each lesson.  (S- on Progress Report)

A student will receive a U on their Progress Report is they miss more than 3/4 of the lessons, or fail to bring their instrument and/or book to 3/4 of the lessons.